Fat rich food that bodybuilders need.
1. Eggs – over the time in bodybuilding world eggs remained one of the best sources of protein, being on the top in comparison with other products. Both albumen and yolk are rich in quality proteins but albumens easier digest. Yolks also contain fats that slow digestion so providing proteins in human body for a longer period of time.
Single yolk contains 6 grams of fats (half of them being saturated), so 6-8 eggs per day can bring too many fats. But by removing some yolks from diet will be achieved a balance.
2. Red meat – Of course to obtain performance it is necessary to reduce calories, but the elimination of fat in the diet can lower testosterone levels. Red meat contains fats that support the high level of testosterone in the body. It is recommended for bodybuilders to eat red meat daily.
3. Salmon
Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. This type of acids help on increasing immunity, fight high cholesterol, lower inflammation in muscles and thereby restore muscle faster and help in their growth.
Salmon contains high quality proteins that are often indicated for muscle definition.